
hibernate buch cover klein

Extract of the annotation reference in the Hibernate Developer Guide by example

Extensive, easy-to-follow introduction to Hibernate 3 including complete working examples. Integration of Hibernate with other technologies like Spring, EJB3, Struts and JavaServer Faces (MyFaces) is explained.

It is available as PDF in English language.
A German paper book was published by the Galileo Verlag.

Get more information.


alternative zur Annotation @DiscriminatorColumn; verwendet eine SQL Anweisung, um den Klassentypen zu bestimmen

value=�case when name like 'R%' then 0 when name like 'G%' then 1 else 2 end�

ein SQL Schnipsel, dass den Typ der Klasse bestimmt


�case when name like 'R%' then 0 when name like 'G%' then 1 else 2 end�)