Struts 1 Examples html:checkbox, html:multibox, html:select, html:option, ....

This tutorial package includes working examples and descriptions for the following Struts tags.




The <html:checkbox> element

The <html:checkbox> element is used with an associated property of typ boolean. It renders a HTML <input> element of typ checkbox.

The following example shows the source code of the JSP file.

<html:checkbox property="checked">Label</html:checkbox>

The following HTML source code is rendered at runtime.

<input type="checkbox" name="checked" value="on">Label


The <html:multibox> element is used to manage multiple checkbox elements, for example in lists. The value, which will be transfered to the server from a selected checkbox, can be any value of type string. The associated property in the form-bean is an array of type string, which holds a list of selected values after submitting the form.

The following examples shows the source code of the JSP file:

<html:multibox property="selectedItems" value="1"> Maria

The <html:select> element

The <html:select> renders a HTML <select> element. A property of a form bean associated with this element, which holds the value if the element is submitted to the server

The <html:select> element works in two different modes:

The following example shows the source code of the jsp file.

<html:select property="selectedItem">
<html:option value="Maria">Maria</html:option>
<html:option value="Klaus">Klaus</html:option>

The following HTML source code is rendered at runtime.

<select name="selectedItem">
<option value="1">Marie</option>
<option value="2">Klaus</option>

The <html:option> element

The <html:option> element is a part of the <html:select> element and must be nested inside this element. It can be used multiple times inside the <html:select> element. The <html:option> renders a HTML <option> element at runtime.

The following example shows the source code of the JSP file:

<html:select property="selectedItem">
<html:option value="Marie">Marie</html:option>
<html:option value="Klaus">Klaus</html:option>

The following HTML source code will be rendered.

<select name="selectedItem">
<option value="Marie">Marie</option>
<option value="Klaus">Klaus</option>

The <html:options> element

The <html:options> element is only valid when nested inside a <html:select> element. Renders a HTML <option> element. The element is used to display data of lists (arrays, collections) inside a select element. This tag can be used multiple times within a single <html:select> element.

The following example shows the source code of the JSP file.

<html:select property="selectedItem">
<html:options collection="customers" property="id" labelProperty="name" />

The following HTML source code is rendered at runtime.

<select name="selectedItem">
<option value="1">Marie</option>
<option value="2">Klaus</option>

The <html:optionscollection> element

The <html:optionscollection> element is only valid nested inside a <html:select> element. It renders a HTML <option> element. The <html:optionscollection> element is used to output lists (arrays, collections) for a HTML select field. This tag differs from the <html:options> tag in that it makes more consistent use of the name and property attributes, and allows the collection to be more easily obtained from the enclosing form bean.

The following examples shows the source code of the JSP file:

<html:select property="selectedItem">
<html:options collection="customers" value="id" label="name" />

The following HTML source code is rendered at runtime:

<select name="selectedItem">
<option value="1">Marie</option>
<option value="2">Klaus</option>

The <html:radio> element

It renders a HTML <radio> Element. You assign a property of the form-bean to this element. <html:radio> elements with the same property will be grouped. It is possible to use a <html:radio> element inside an iteration.

The following example shows the source code of the JSP file:

<html:radio property="selectedItem" value="Maria" />
<html:radio property="selectedItem" value="Klaus" />

The following HTML source code will be rendered.

<input type="radio" name="selectedItem" value="Maria">
<input type="radio" name="selectedItem" value="Klaus">